Who am I? And what is LowCap NoCap

LowCap NoCap
2 min readJan 12, 2022

To cut a long story short, I’m a typical dude in his early 30’s living in Australia.

Like many, I’m chasing the dream of stumbling over that true low cap gem before it blows up.

If you’ve been in the crypto space for more than 5 minutes you know the odds of discovering that dream are incredibly low. The Crypto market has been described as the wild west of the finance world and it’s easy to see why. Most low cap projects are just straight up scams. There, I said it. I don’t mean 51% of them when I say most either. It feels north of 90% to me and it can be incredibly disheartening.

I’ve been rugged (on more than one occasion), I’ve watched projects crash and burn. I’ve seen more broken promises and missed timelines than I’ve seen stars in the sky. There’s no excuse I haven’t heard and, I’ve lost more money than I care to calculate. Sometimes, I get lucky and get some back.

I’ve been told that my writing style is interesting to some, and sometimes my explanations help people to understand complicated issues. So with that in mind, I’ve decided to start writing about crypto projects that I think might just be the next big thing.

No paid articles. No views that aren’t my own. No Cap.

As I continue to write please feel free to reach out to me about interesting projects and I will hopefully find the time to write my opinion on them. With one caveat, I won’t write about projects that don’t have a doxxed team. And I don’t mean some cartoon avatar with the name John Smith under it. I’ve been burned too many times in crypto and I want to be a part of normalising knowing who the faces are behind projects.

Thanks for checking out my page, I hope to put out some quality content and interact with anyone bored enough to read it!





LowCap NoCap

Writing about low cap crypto projects and dodging rug pulls. Trying to find the next big thing. twitter.com/LowCapNoCap